Ecological Economics
Stagl, S. Opportunities of post Covid-19 European recovery funds in transitioning towardscircular and climate neutral economy. 12 (European Parliament, Briefing Requested by the ENVI committee, 2020).
Zwickl, K.,Disslbacher, F. & Stagl, S. Work-sharing for a sustainable economy. Ecological Economics 121, 246-253 (2016).
Rezai, A. & Stagl, S. Ecological macroeconomics: Introduction and review. Ecological Economics 121, 181-185, doi: (2016).
Stagl, S. Ecological macroeconomics: reflections on labour markets. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention11, 171–181, doi: (2014).
Franks, D. W., Noble, J., Kaufmann, P. & Stagl, S. Extremism Propagation in Social Networks with Hubs. 16, 264-274, doi:10.1177/1059712308090536 (2008).
Stagl, S. Theoretical foundations oflearning processes for sustainable development. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 14, 52-62, doi: (2007).
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Energy Systems
Stagl, S. Does Nuclear Power Comply With the DNSH Criteria of the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities? A Literature Review,
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Madlener, R., Kowalski, K. & Stagl, S. New ways for the integrated appraisal of national energy scenarios: The case of renewable energy use in Austria. Energy Policy 35, 6060-6074, doi: (2007).
Madlener, R. & Stagl, S. Sustainability-guided promotion of renewable electricity generation. Ecological Economics 53, 147-167, doi: (2005).
Stagl, S. Multicriteria evaluation and public participation: the case of UK energy policy. Land Use Policy 23 (1), 53-62, doi: (2006).
Food Systems
Schanes, K. & Stagl, S. Food waste fighters: What motivates people to engage in food sharing? Journal of Cleaner Production 211, 1491-1501, doi: (2019). de
Schutter, L. , Giljum, S., Häyhä, T., Bruckner, M., Naqvi, A., Omann, I., Stagl, S. Bioeconomy Transitions through the Lens of Coupled Social-Ecological Systems: A Framework for Place-Based Responsibility in the Global Resource System. 11 (20), 5705, (2019).
Dobernig, K. & Stagl, S. Growing a lifestyle movement? Exploring identity-work and lifestyle politics in urban food cultivation. 39, 452-458, doi: (2015).
Reed, M. S. et al. Anticipating and Managing Future Trade-offs and Complementarities between Ecosystem Services. Ecology and Society 18, doi:10.5751/ES-04924-180105 (2013).
Sutherland, L.-A. et al. The ‘Neighbourhood Effect’: A multidisciplinary assessment of the case for farmer co-ordination in agri-environmental programmes. Land Use Policy 29, 502-512, doi: (2012).
Kaufmann, P., Zemeckis, R., Skulskis, V., Kairyte, E. & Stagl, S. The Diffusion of Organic Farming in Lithuania. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 35, 522-549, doi: (2011).
Kaufmann, P., Stagl, S. & Franks, D. W. Simulating the diffusion of organic farming practices in two New EU Member States. Ecological Economics 68, 2580-2593, doi: (2009).
Reed, M. S. et al. The future of the uplands. Land Use Policy 26, S204-S216, doi: (2009).
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Holden, J. et al. Environmental change in moorland landscapes. Earth-Science Reviews 82,
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Briceno, T. & Stagl, S. The role of social processes for sustainable consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production 14, 1541-1551, doi: (2006).
Jackson, T., Jager, W. & Stagl, S. Beyond insatiability – needs theory, consumption and sustainability.
In The Ecological Economics of Consumption. (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004).
Stagl, S. & O'Hara, S. U. Motivating factors and barriers to sustainable consumer behaviour. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology 2, doi: (2002).
Stagl, S. Free trade and its effects: some critical comments. In The WTO, Agriculture and Sustainable Development (eds Heinrich Wohlmeyer & Theodor Quendler) (Routledge, 2002).
O’Hara, S. U. & Stagl, S. Endogenous preferences and sustainable development. The Journal of Socio-Economics 31, 511-527, doi: (2002).
Stagl, S. Local Organic Food Markets: Potentials and Limitations for Contributing to Sustainable Development. Empirica 29, 145-162, doi: (2002).
Integrated Assessment
Foster, G., Kreinin, H. & Stagl, S. The future of circular environmental impact indicators for cultural heritage buildings in Europe. Environmental Sciences Europe 32, 141, doi: (2020).
Stagl, S. Value articulating institutions and changing social preferences. In Reflexive governance for global public goods (ed Tom Dedeurwaerdere Eric Brousseau, Bernd Siebenhüner) (MIT Press, 2012).
Garmendia, E. & Stagl, S. Public participation for sustainability and social learning: Concepts and lessons from three case studies in Europe. Ecological Economics 69, 1712-1722, doi: (2010).
Rammel, C., Stagl, S. & Wilfing, H. Managing complex adaptive systems — A co-evolutionaryperspective on natural resource management. Ecological Economics 63, 9-21, doi: (2007).
Dougill, A. J. et al. Learning from Doing Participatory Rural Research: Lessons from the Peak District National Park. 57, 259-275, doi: (2006).
Stagl, S. Multicriteria evaluation and public participation: the case of UK energy policy. Land Use Policy 23,
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Starkl, M. et al. Analysis and evaluation of methodologies to assess technical urban water systems.
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